Traditional Partial Knee Replacement Surgery May Mean A Stay In The Hospital For Up To Seven Days …

In many cases, your surgeon will recommend immediate surgery, but the reality is that “rest” isn’t always good. This “rest” can often cause problems down the road, including swelling, pain, bursitis (joint pain), and other more serious issues. By consulting with a well-experienced knee surgeon who is skilled in both minimally invasive and traditional reconstructive surgery techniques, you can decide which surgery would best meet your goals and needs.

Your surgeon might suggest MRI or MRIs to assess your knee’s condition.This is (480) 483-0393 fine, if your doctor finds that you need an operation that requires less time in the hospital and that can be done in a relatively short period of time. Ideally, you should schedule one or more MRI tests at least one month before your planned partial knee replacement procedure. In fact, most surgeons recommend that their patients schedule three or four MRI tests to ensure a favorable outcome and minimal risk.

Your physical therapy program will help you prepare for your surgery, but it can also speed the Scottsdale recovery process. During your physical therapy program, you will learn how to properly use the muscles and other components of your knee. You will learn how to immobilize your knee, as well as learn how to increase strength and full range of motion. Proper postoperative exercises will help your joints heal faster.

Your surgeon will evaluate your physical therapy program and will likely recommend that you participate in a minimally invasive minimally-invasive surgical procedure, such as arthroscopic joint replacement. These procedures are often quicker and easier than traditional surgeries and can be done in less than an hour. In addition, they do not require as much recovery time. However, surgeons will sometimes perform both minimally invasive and traditional surgeries to enhance the results and to address any specific deficiencies in your medical history or the structure of your knee.

Minimally invasive procedures often Arizona result in better outcomes compared to more conventional options such as 85258 arthroscopic orthopedic knee doctor joint replacement, hip replacement or knee joint capsule replacement. Patients who undergo an OAS are more likely to experience significant pain relief within the first week following the procedure. They are also more likely to experience a reduction in pain symptoms related to the swelling and bruising immediately after the operation. However, pain is likely to return at least a few months post-operation and in some patients, as much as six months after surgery.

Although rare, complications can include dislocated kneecap, impotence, infection, blood clots, and numbness. Rarely, complications can include one-sided pneumonia, muscle tear, rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), impingement of one of the vertebrae in the knee, meniscal tear, rupture of one of the menisci in the knee, and herniated disc. These complications, however, are extremely rare. Only about five percent of all patients experience one-sided pneumonia and only three percent experience a rupture of the meniscus

Traditional Partial Knee Replacement Surgery May Mean A Stay In The Hospital For Up To Seven Days ...
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